Frequently Asked Questions
Our Frequently Asked Questions cover most topics parents regularly ask about our program.
Questions? Give us a call or send us an email! We’ll be happy to assist you!
New Customers
How do I register?
While most swimming lessons in Canada are run on a season-by-season basis, True Blue runs on a perpetual system. This means we take registrations at any time throughout the year.
The first step is to book a free, no-obligation assessment, so we can find the most appropriate class for your child. If you are looking to register your toddler (from 6 months to 3 years old), no assessment is required.
The assessments we offer will depend on the location. In most cases our experienced team can do a Phone Assessment, saving your family time and getting your children on the waitlist sooner.
A phone assessment will take approx. 15 mins
• It is a few easy questions so we can accurately assess the level of your child
• This phone call will be approximately a week before the time you booked online and will have you added to the waitlist immediately
An in-water assessment, if deemed necessary, will take approx. 30 mins from the time you arrive to when you leave
• This will occur on the day/time you book online at the location
How much are the lessons?
Our cost is approximately $31+GST/week (for a 30-minute lesson). There is an average of 13 weeks per season (summer is always shorter), and fees are paid seasonally. If fees are not paid by the due date, your child's position will be forfeited. Payments can be made online or in person (if the site permits). We communicate all payment deadlines three weeks before the due date by email/text/in person on the pool deck and on our annual calendar.
If your family is eligible, funding may be available through the two programs below. Please note that our staff is unable to assist you in the application process.
When do lessons run?
True Blue operates lessons at various venues across Edmonton and Calgary, seven days a week, year-round. Check out the location pages to see the specific operating hours of the venue closest to you. Click here to view our calendars.
Is there a waitlist?
We can't sugar coat it, we do have an extensive waitlist at all locations and that speaks to the popularity of our program and the high demand for swimming lessons in Alberta.
We can tell you that the average time on our waitlist has increased in the past year to 6-12 months. Even with the opening of three new locations in Edmonton, we have not been able to accommodate everyone who wishes to swim at True Blue.
We believe we are worth the wait and will continue to open new lesson times as we grow.
How is your parented program beneficial?
Research has shown that children who participate in regular swimming lessons at an early age have a competitive edge across all developmental areas:
• Intellectually, they were six months ahead of their peers in counting and mathematics reasoning.
• Physically, they were seven months ahead in motor development.
• Socially, they were 15 months ahead in socio- and emotional development.
In addition to these benefits, our program emphasizes safety and survival skills such as breath control, submersion, safety circles, and back floating. Ultimately, children who are comfortable and confident in the water at an early age are better prepared in case of an emergency.
The aim of the preparation program is to have children entering our unparented classes as advanced as possible, which is why they are able to challenge the learning lake certificates within their parented classes.
Why does True Blue use aids?
There are many ways to teach children about safety in the water, but every child learning independence needs support. That support can come from a teacher alone, from flotation aids, or from a combination of both. Our unique approach, using flotation as a teaching aid, has produced world-class results over the years.
It has been proven that low-stress levels increase coordination, so at True Blue, we encourage low stress with the use of teaching aids (floaties, back bubbles, kickboards, noodles, etc.). As a child becomes more confident and therefore less stressed, we reduce the amount of teaching aids the child uses. We have also found that swimmers who are less stressed progress faster.
When ready, our swimmers still have plenty of aid-free time, and we practice “safety circles” to teach children how to swim back to the edge of the pool without help in the event they were to fall in.
What should I bring to swimming lessons?
We provide all equipment and teaching aids your child will need to have a great, fun lesson. Little ones under 3 years old are also required to wear a swim diaper. All you need to bring is a bathing suit and a towel.
Why does it look crowded?
It is not unusual for customers new to the True Blue approach to feel like the child’s class is crowded. Over decades, we have fine-tuned our approach and identified the optimum space to conduct a class for each of our class levels. Less wasted space is important, so the teacher is always nearby for supervision and can easily access swimmers to give feedback and facilitate fast progress.
Why year-round swimming lessons?
Coming to swimming lessons once a week, on a year-round basis, is awesome for swimmer progress. Swimming every week, all year round, will see your child really develop and get the most out of the fun programs we offer.
How long does it take to learn to swim?
This is a difficult question to answer, however, we understand that it is an important one for our families. The average child who begins lessons at True Blue as a 3-year-old can swim one kilometre by the age of seven. Over 80% of our customers swim all year round, which is a key factor in helping achieve this outcome.
We pride ourselves on fast progress and have Progress Leaders assigned to every class to assist if a swimmer has been at the same level for a while or is finding a skill a little difficult. The Shift Leader will talk to you about some strategies to help them move forward and will work with your teacher to ensure your swimmer continues to progress. At True Blue, we will always offer extra support to those who need it.
What if I need to change my swim time?
Once a swimmer has a spot in the program, they have preference over that place for their entire journey at True Blue. It is our goal to have your child progress through the True Blue journey at the same day and time, assuming it’s convenient for you. If you need to change your time due to other commitments you certainly can, provided there’s availability, and if not, we can place you on a waitlist to move to a more convenient day and time.
What if my child misses a class?
We offer makeup classes for those times that you must cancel swimming due to other commitments or illness. It is encouraged that families select a day and time for lessons that they can attend consistently.
To acquire and use a makeup class, you must mark absent prior to the missed class (see Make Up Guidelines below)
Please note, in the interest of avoiding disappointment, we have listed below our guidelines for makeup classes.
• Makeup lessons have no monetary value (e.g., you cannot use banked makeups to pay for future lessons). The monetary value was in the lesson that still went ahead in your child’s absence.
• Makeup classes are not guaranteed as they are subject to both your and our availability.
• You only receive an opportunity to make up a missed class if you have marked your absence on your portal prior to missing the class. By pre-marking absences, you create opportunities for others to make up missed classes.
• All makeups for missed lessons remain on your account and never expire.
• You need to be registered in the program to use your makeup lessons.
• They can be booked no more than 6 days in advance.
• They are not transferable between siblings.
• If your child needs to be away for an extended period due to illness or other reasons, the following options are also available:
• Hold your place in the program (ask our crew for details & see the "Can I hold my spot in the program" question below).
• Withdraw from the program and be placed on a waitlist.
What is your cancellation policy?
In the event of canceling a child’s place in the program, the remaining credit will be held toward future lessons. The credit will be pro-rated from the time of notification.
What is your illness policy?
Please note, the illness policy we had during COVID is still in place. If our teachers observe swimmers with a runny nose or a cough, in the interest of keeping everyone safe, the Shift Leader may ask the swimmer to be removed from the lesson.
A reminder to keep children home if they are sick. Remember, we offer unlimited make-up classes.
Please see our FAQ: What if my child misses a class? (above)
We don't allow any staff who are sick or unwell to work. We would cancel a class if a healthy, qualified substitute teacher was not available.
We follow all provincial and municipal guidelines around masking. These may change, so please refer to the Government of Alberta website for current guidelines.
What if I have a question or concern?
Progress Leaders are the super-friendly staff on the pool deck. They are there to answer any questions you have about your swimmer’s progress or about our program, as well as to support our teachers in providing great lessons. They love to talk about swimming, so please go see them about anything.